Tuesday, March 10, 2015

My Goals for 2015

I know what you're thinking right now, "Uh Ian, its already March and you're just now writing down  your goals for 2015?" The answer to your question is yes. It's taken me longer than I thought it would to come up with  my goals this year. My life has changed has changed pretty significantly over the past few months and is still changing. Its taken me a bit more time to figure out  exactly what I want to do in 2015 but I think I've got a pretty good idea as of right now so here they are: Ian Harris' goals for 2015.

1) I want to buy a car and pay for it in full. 

This is a real grown up goal of mine. I'm definitely not a kid anymore(okay that last statement isn't completely true).  I'll be buying my first car in a few months(God willing) and would like to be able to pay for it in full. At this point I've been without a car for 6 months and its been tough, so even if I don't pay for it in full, I'll consider it a win.

2) I want to get my own apartment. 

I've been in LA since the middle of August and there is no way that I would have lasted this long here if it were not for the generosity of others. Those people know who they are and I am so appreciative of their love and generosity. Thank you so much everyone. I've down a bit of hopping around from place to place and I'd really love to be able to have my own space. So yea getting my own apartment is definitely a goal for this year.

3) I want to be intentional and more aware of what I eat.  

It is so easy to go to McDonalds in the morning and get a #9 combo( sausage mcgriddle, hasbrown, and coffee with 4 creams & sugars), but that stuff is so bad for you and it offers literally 0 nutritional value. Its just to make sure your stomach is full.  I think this will be much easier when I have my own place also. To be able to cook and not have to worry about being in the way of someone else. I'm actually a pretty decent cook but no one knows that  because I never cook. Need to get back to that. I am also pretty active  According to my Apple health app I walk about 3-5 miles every day, not too bad but could be better. But all the exercise in the world can't outrun a bad diet. .

4)  I want to buy my own guitar equipment.

I have lists and lists of what I want to buy. Everything from guitars with specific models, to amps, to pedals and everything in between. It just costs money. The electric guitar is as very expensive habit. Right now I'm so blessed to be able to use my friends equipment on the weekends when I play at church. I'm so grateful for that.  I have a vision for what I want the music that I create to sound like and to be able to make it come true, I need my own equipment.

5) I want to give more to the local church. 

This is something I've been very persistent about this year so far. Whether that is giving financially, or giving of my time I don't care I just want to give more. One of the things that my pastor says pretty often and that I've been hearing more and more as of late is that if you build God's house He will build your house. As you've read already I'm going after some pretty ambitious goals so I can't stress enough of the importance of this goal in particular.

6) I want to pray more.

Not just pray but increase my time and effort in my relationship with God. My church, Wave Church has set a goal for this year to be a church that prays. I am jumping in to this one with both feet. Since I've been in California its been amazing to watch how God has provided for me. I haven't gone without anything that I need. My most basic needs have been met without fail every single time. He is SO good to me. I want to press in to God more this year.  I want to spend more time getting to know Him and becoming closer with Him. I'm believing that as I do spend more time with Him and spend time in His word he is going to cause my other goals to come to pass. I have no doubt in my mind.

I'd love to hear what your goals are. Give me a link to your blog or write them in the comments.

Talk Soon,

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