Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Time.

Hello to all of my readers(if any). This is the personal Blog of Ian Patrick Harris. I decided to make a blogging page because i love to write and I feel as though it is one of my very best ways to communicate. As my blog writing evolves, my plan is to make many entries about my life experiences having to do with Masters Commission, my relationship with God and all He is doing in my life, and really, just any random thoughts that may pop into my head that I feel as though should be shared.

I recently returned to North Carolina after a much anticipated Christmas break. The ten or so days that we had to spend with our families came and went so very quickly. I got to see relatives that i haven't seen since probably last Christmas. I saw friends that I haven't seen in months and for the most part it was really nice to see them. The one thing that I wanted for Christmas that i really pushed for was a soprano ukulele, and my loving parents Kevin and Debbie got it for me! I want them to know that I am so so so very greatful. I spent time with my sisters Avonlea, Shae, and Sydney. I spent most of my time at the one and only great Starbucks spending hours and hours reminiscing, and catching up with friends.

As good as was to see all my old friends again and to see all the people i hadn't seen in months, it was even better to see my family. I saw my what i consider to be my immidiate familly( mom, dad, sisters etc.), and my extended family(aunts, uncles, grantparents, cousins, etc..). This year I came to have a new appriciation for my family. A few weeks after I left for Masters, i got some pretty destressing calls saying some of my old friends had picked up some less than beneficial habits. I came to the sad sad realtiy that people change and friends end up growing apart. It was that reality that helped to me to gain a deeper appreciation for family. You see, friends come and go, as sad as that it is to say, but family is with you forever. Your parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, are always there for you. Friendships can grow stale and bitter, but relationships with family never expire. You can not talk to a brother or sister for years and then when you meet them again you pick right up where you left off.

This Christmas season meant a lot to me. I am thankful for my family, friends, freedom, and for the everlasting, eternal, monumental love from the one, the only Jesus Christ. Recently I have spent more time with my headphones in crying at the thought of how great the Fathers love for us truly is. And all I do for Him is try not to cuss, throw a few bucks in the offering basket and try to pray everyday, if i remember. Words can not accurately describe His Love for us. I wish there were someway to describe the feeling one gets when, they realize that no matter how many times we give into our fleshly desires, or give into the influence of the world, He is still waiting with open arms for us to run back to Him and ask for the forgivness that He is so eager to give to us.

For my new years resolution I am going to try to devote more of my personal time to God. Instead of watching tv or playing around of facebook, Ill crack open the ole' Bible and spend a few hours getting lost in Him. When I play guitar, Ill play songs that praise the Almighty instead of listening to songs where the lead singer complains about how hard their childhood was and how they hate their father. I encourage each and everyone of my supposed readers to do the same. Take some time out of your busy schedule to thank the One who gave you the car you drive to be able to go to star bucks and praise the one who gave you that $3.75 to order that soy carmel low fat skinny tall macchiato. Thank Him for His Love.

1 comment:

  1. Ian!!
    this really touched me. I'm sooo thankful God brought you in my life. you're an amazing friend... and I can't even express how much i love chatting with you for hours about our mutual love for Jesus Christ!! I can't wait to see what God is going to do with your life. i love you friend!! <3 jaye
