Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Power Of Music

Hey there.

Lets talk about music for a second.

Pretend for a moment that you LOVE music, just like a certain boy who has nothing better to do than type away at his iPad for hours on end. You like music, you love music, you wake up in the morning and not even five mintues after waking up you have a song stuck in your head, It may have been from a song you listened to the night before or the song that you woke up to on your phones alarm clock. Either way its there, not going anywhere, and in your raspally(spelling) morning voice you walk out of your room down the stairs into you kitchen for a nice bowl of frosted flakes, or whatever you cereal you happen to fancy. You don't even recognize that you are subconsciously humming the song as you pull down a bowl from the cabinet. You pour your cereal into a bowl, and now your harmless humming has turned into quiet singing. You go to the fridge and pull our your nice 2% milk and pour it over the cearl, you pour only enough milk to make the cereal some moist, you don't drown the cereal because you dont like soggy cereal( stay with me). As you are pouring your milk your quiet singing has turned into a concert for your whole house to listen hear. Again you are subconsciously singing, you are blissfully oblivious to anything around you. Finally someone tells you to shut up and when they tell you, thats when you realize that you have actually been singing. Funny how music has the power get inside your head without you realizing it.

Perhaps you, yourself have just sustained the absoslute worst, most ugly break up the world has ever seen. What do you do? You run to your iPod or MP3 player, find a song that you like that so happens to tell the story of your former relationship. You remember how happy you were at first when you first met him/her. You were madly deeply hopelessy in love. Nothing could ever wreck the relationship that you had just begun. You remember the first date you went on. It was out to a mini golf course, where you left her beat you because you wanted to be a gentlemen. Afterwards you head over to the nearest Dip N Dots( I like Dip N Dots) place and you both have ice cream. You take a walk to through the park as you both are eating you discuss eachothers likes, dislikes, ambitions, goals, plans, and everything under the sun. You sit down a park bench and its kinda awkward because both of you are silent. You look at her as her gaze is else where and realize just how beautiul she is, and just how lucky you are to be sitting on the same bench as her. The moonlight shines down in her bright blue eyes making them appear as though they are saphires. You notice how her hair seems flawless and perfect. She looks back at you and you look away quickly so you dont ge caught staring at her. You think to yourself, perhaps she is the one. But that was then, this is now. The relationship has been broken beyond repair.

Another song comes on by a different artist, perhaps even a new genre of music. The first song could have been a nice acoustic, bouncy, fun song. But now this new song starts. You hear the intesnse double bass from the drums being to beat, and then you hear the super heavily distorted guitar riffs, and before you know it the lead singer is screaming, just like your mom did back when you were a kid when you left your bike out in the drive way. You can feel the music, you can literally feel it begin to work its magic inside of you. All of a sudden you feel empowered to go outside and wrestled the Chuck Norris, and show him whos boss. You feel like you could punch a hole in the moon. You can hear the passion in the screamers voice, he is making you feel how he feels right now, he is venting and you are the resipient of his raw emotion. He has the power to make you feel the same emotion he is feeling at that exact monent in the studio as he is recording the song. Music has the ability to transfer emotion via sound waves. By the lyrics of the song you can hear that he is telling the story of a break up he has just went through. You are reciving his sadness and anger and tourment through the song. At that moment you realize that there are people out there going through the exact same thing that you are going through. You and that singer/screamer can cry together because you are feeling the same emotion. He knows exactly how you feel and you take comfort in the fact that he is there screaming into your ear about the same thing you are dealing with right then.

That song ends. Next on your iPod Classic 4th generation comes a band who uses slight distored guitar fast beats and catch rythmes to draw you into listening to them. Most of the Guys in this band have long hair with the hair swooping across their forheads, wear tight jeans and tight V-neck shirts. You can relate to them. The song beings with a catchy guitar lick and then comes in the bass followed by a cliche 2&4 drum beat. The lead singer begins to sing in a happy and somewhat emotional voice thats makes you smile everytime you hear his voice. You are captured by the beautiful melodies that these four intruments can make. ( for those of you saying there are only 3 instruments, the 4th is the voice, lol) You begin to sing along with the lyrics getting lost in the what he is singing about. He to has gone through a break up but instead of mourning it, he is happy and has gotten to the point where he realized there are other fish in the sea. As you listen to his voice and harmonizing voices that accompany it, you begin to come to the same realization. This girl that you thought you were so desperatly in love with is now just a faint memory. You realize life dosent end after her. You start singing super loud and being to jump on your bed knocking over lamps and chairs in you room. You are happy to be alive again, all because of a song.

Music is one of the mightiest forces on the face of the earth. It has the power to make you laugh and cry, it has the ability to make you feel any certain emotion that it pleases. Music came from God. He created it, it is rightfully His. Thank Him for it next time one of your favorite songs comes on the radio as you are driving down the road to Wal Mart. Thank Him for those who have the ability to make the most beautiful sound on earth. And thank Him for being Him.

- Ian

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