Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hello all of my readers who just so happen to be reading this. I know this is kind of late, but I was kinda busy on Valentines Day because I was at Masters Conference 2011!!(WOOT) This Valentines day I saw a lot of posts on Facebook where people were saying, "happy singles awareness day", "I hate valentines day," or some variation of the sort. As I read and heard all of this I did feel bad for some people but for others, well, all I saw was a bunch of winey typing. 

February 14 has come to be known as day where individuals would exchange love messages to their significant other, a day to go the extra mile to show  your special someone just how much they mean to you. 

There are quite a few different theories on how Valentines day came to be. One of which is the one we all know about St. Valentine being martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died February 14 269 A.D. Legend also says that Valentine left a farewell letter to the jailers daughter who he had befriended. He signed it, "From Your Valentine." Pope Gelasius deemed February 14 as a day to remember Valentine.( 

Other stories say that the Hallmark company started Valentines Day. Some say that they company started the holiday as a way to make money between big holidays. They make money off of jewelry, cards, flowers, and chocolates. According to Valentines Day is the single biggest day for giving cards next to Christmas. The offer more that 2000 V-Day Cards.

Ok, ok, ok, enough of me nerving out. Getting back to my main point. It seems as though Valentines Day is either the worst day of the year or one of the best days of the year for some people. For those who are in love they get to experience the joy of buying or making their significant other a gift. They also get to see the expression on their loved ones face when they open or receive that gift. But for those who don't have anyone, it can seem like a very lonely day. You see all these happy couples expressing their love for one another. Coming from a guy who has been single almost four years, I know. 

Let me offer some insight that God opened my eyes too. The single people can look at V-Day one of two ways. First way being the sad lonely singles awareness day which I believe all of the single people see it as, or the second way. We can be happy for everyone for who is not single and take comfort in the fact that one day you are going to meet that special someone, the person whom you will share valentines day with for the rest of your life. I know that right now its tough to be single but when that special someone does come, it's gonna be worth the wait.

Think about this, God in all of might, glory, and honor, knows you. He knows you better than you know you. He knows that you long for a relationship, after all He made you that way. He made Eve especially for Adam. He has made your future spouse especially for you. God made one person out of seven billion just for you. There is one person walking this earth who you are going to marry. God is clever. He knows exactly the perfect time to make your paths cross. 

The funny thing about love is, even though everyone on this planet experiences it sometime in their life, when we find our special individual we think that the connection we make with that person is more, "magical", "special", or "intimate" than any other love that the world has ever seen.  God gives us that one person with whom we feel as though we are living a fairytale. We think no else on earth has ever had such a special relationship as me and my other do. That person makes us feel as though we are on top of the world. That unreal feeling you get when you look into her eyes and realize its not just her looks that attract you, but also her personalty and characteristics, comes from GOD. HE MADE LOVE. 

So we shouldn't complain about how for this year we have no one to show affection too, or affection to be shown to us. When you get married you will be attached to that person until you die. You will be with that person 40 or 50+ years. All those years of happiness will far outweigh the two, three, four, or five years you were without a Valentine in you adolescence. God is going to introduce you to your future spouse sooner that you think. Until He does, give Him thanks in advance for all of years of happiness that are to come in your future. 

Happy Belated Valentines Day!!!!!!!



  1. It is so exciting to see how God is working on you Ian!!!

    We just call Valentines Day "Love Day" around here. Married or single, love is a great thing to celebrate.

  2. Again, Ian!!
    you amaze me with the gift of writing God has given you. Thank you so much for your encouraging posts!! :)
