Sunday, November 20, 2011

Redneck Thanksgiving

For about 4 years now the Silvers family(my mothers family) have put on what has come to be known as the
Redneck Thanksgiving. Someone of you northerners who maybe reading this may be asking yourself, what is Redneck Thanksgiving? Here is what happens, just like any other normal family, members bring assorted side dishes to the gathering while the hosts prepare the turkey or as it were this year, the pig. We are a big family so it takes a lot of room to feed everyone, so what we have done is decide to eat outside in the back yard. Folding tables and chairs from the Mesozoic era find there way out. The tables are covered with table clothes(plastic) and nice tables center pieces are put on the table. Then we partake of some of the best food ever made. After everyone has their fill and loosens their belts a few notches, its time for the shooting contest. Everyone gets five shots at a piece of paper with 5 targets on it. After everyone has shot, judging begins and the prizes are handed out. We hand out prizes according to the age bracket. 1st Place receives $10, 2nd place $5, 3rd place $3, and everyone after that receives $1. The new addition to the festivities this year was karaoke. Everyone prepared thier voice for a concert un-like the world had ever seen. Artist from Taylor Swift, to Bon Jovi, to Guns N Roses, to Chris Tomlin, and everything in between were featured. I talk a lot of crap about this day every year before it gets here, but every year when I get their and smell the sound of fire ammunition and hear the sound of off key sing, I remember why I enjoy it so much. Its just fun. I'd be willing to be that we have 10 times more fun than your family. Just sayin...  


My wonderful Grammie and I

 The Best People Ever
 The sister
 Me and Sammie =]

I have no clue...
Singing Taylor Swift Karaoke 

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