Monday, June 27, 2011

It's time for Greenwood South Carolina to grow up.

Its Time to Grow Up.
It has recently come to my attention that people of the town of Greenwood South Carolina, have nothing better to do that to gossip and create childish, middle school drama. The people who are starting all of this are the people who all claim to be the ones who "hate" drama the most. 

Facebook has become the main avenue to which people can "post" their thoughts of mal content. After a lot of these bitter rants of self-loathing I often find the following at the tail end of the post, "mind your own business." Ironic, isn't it?  
The people who tell others to mind their own business are the ones who are the most noisy. I suggest you take your own advice. One thing that everyone on this earth hates is a hypocrite. 

It's time to grow up. Lets all leave the crap talking and name calling in middle school where it belongs.  We are all adults here. Weather you choose to act like it is on  you. Just know that should you choose to act like a middle schooler, you can expect be to treated as such. You can safely assume that I have lost all respect for you and your associates.  

If you are reading this and you think that I'm talking about you, you are probably right. 

Until next time Greenwood, let's try to stay classy. Lets not act like the immature, illiterate, children that you have shown us that you are.  

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