Saturday, January 28, 2012

That special person...

You know those people in your life who have this explainable influence on you. Maybe you never realized just how big of an influence they had until years later. There are those people in life that you encounter who have a love that is bigger than life. Who always see the good in you and just look past the bad. Those few special people who make you feel most alive, most loved, or most happy.

That person for me was my late grandmother, Madeen Luke Garrison. She was the glue that held together our family. She was my most trusted confidant, my secret keeper, and best friend.  She died on August 7, 2008. The Funeral was held on my 16th birthday, August 31, 2008. Every year on my birthday since I’ve remembered her with both joy and sorrow.  Never in my life was there a love shown to me that was so pure, selfless or genuine. Every year of my life my family went over to her house for Christmas dinner with all of my dad’s siblings. Those were some of the happiest memories I have of her. Even though it’s been a few years now, this past Christmas was especially hard without her.

My grandmother loved Jesus, and she was a worshiper. I believe that’s where my passion for worship partially comes from (other than from Christ). When I visited her and spent so many nights at her house she would constantly have worship music playing and would be singing at the top of her lungs. She was full of the joy of the Lord.

Her house was a “heaven on earth” of sorts. I spent many nights there. Going over to grandma’s house meant tons of junk food, specifically what seemed to be an endless supply of Reese Cups, Potato Chips, sour gummy worms, and Pepsi. She taught me what “Oodles & Noodles” were. Her house was one of those places that when you visited you didn’t need to take a tooth brush because you had one there. I always had a special place to sleep. When I was young I slept in her bed with her and she would scratch my back and sing to me until I was asleep. To this day I can still remember how her hands felt, and can hear her voice sing.

Going to church with my Grandma was always amazing. Even though most of the time I was too young to understand what was being said I remember it being some of the best times with her. She always had butterscotch flavored hard candy, and red and green peppermint candies. She used to sing along with the music with so much joy and sincerity. When it came time for the sermon most of the time I would fall asleep. I would lean up against her and she would put her arm around me.   

My Grandma was a person who loved people. She always looked for the good in people and look right past the bad. She always encouraged me in everything I did to do to the best of my ability. She played one of the biggest parts in shaping me into the person I am today. Looking back now I see a lot of myself in her. Without knowing it then, I learned a lot from her. The biggest thing she taught me is to try to see the best in everyone, to show the love of Christ to everyone. Whenever I had a bad day I would call her and just talking to her was enough to brighten my day entirely. Just being around her lifted my spirit. This is one of things I try the hardest to do. When I talk to someone I try my absolute best to say or do something that will make the other person walk away happier.

Thank You Grandma for being the biggest example of Christ I’ve ever known. I love you and miss you dearly. 

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