Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Here I Am.


I have this habit.

I blog for about a month pretty regularly and then I stop.

Well I am back after like, I don’t know how many months. But here I am, back.

Since my last post a lot has changed in my life. I’ve completed my second year of Master’s Commission, got a job, and as we speak I am leading a trip to Orlando Florida for Masters. I’m kinda growing up. I’m taking on more responsibility. More is being expected of me now. It’s kinda scary.

This is the first time in my 19 years that I will not be having a “summer break”. I’m staying in Wilson NC this summer so I’m essentially staying at school. This coming fall I will be working for New Beginnings as an intern.

So I’m not coming home for any extended period of time. Sorry to all my friends who were looking forward to me coming back. But now its time to grow up and be an adult.

This scares the mess out of me.

I’m not dependent on mom and dad anymore. I’m making my own money. My life is starting.

Although I’m in a weird spot in my life I am completely trusting in God. If there is one thing I’ve learned over my time in Master’s its that God will never put you up to more than you can handle. He is my provider. He is my courage when I’m scared. He is my comfort when I’m overwhelmed.

God has got me here for a reason. To which I say, “bring it on.”

Oh and I got my hair cut off! Thanks Taylor!


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