Saturday, December 22, 2012

Go For It

Over the past couple of weeks, I've really started to seriously think about what I want to do and get out of life. There comes a time in everyone's life when he or she thinks to themselves, there has got to be more to life than this. Here recently I have said that to myself quite a lot. 

Don't get the wrong idea. Im not unhappy with where I am in life. I absolutely love my job and the people I'm around. But I feel like I have bigger things ahead of me. Everyone who knows me knows that I love music. In some sense, music is all I want to do. Play, write, record, produce, sing, manage. All I know is that I do not ever want to be pushing pencils behind a desk. I recently had a epiphany of sorts. I've always said that I want to play music for a living, but have always made excuses as to why I can't do it. I don't have anyone around me that likes and want's to play the same kind of music I like, I can't write songs, I can't sing, I don't have the write kind of equipment, I'm not creative enough. Whatever the lie inside of my head has been, I've believed them, all of them. For a while I began to feel like what I wanted to do was just to far out of reach and that I couldn't do it. 

Well that's just the thing about dreams. They seem so incredibly difficult that there is just no way that I could ever pull it off. People who have achieved their dreams, I believe, are among the happiest people in the world. They have overcome insurmountable odds. They did just the thing that someone told them was impossible. I envy those people. They are brave enough to go out on a limb and put themselves out there, to become vulnerable. THEY DIDN'T LET THE FEAR OF FAILING STOP THEM. 

Herein lies my problem. 

I've had to take a good long hard look at myself. I've come to a conclusion. I'm so afraid to fail. I'm so afraid that no one will like my songs, that i won't be able to write a song catchy enough for anyone to like, that i'll come up short, that I won't ever achieve my dream.

A very wise man once said that God doesn't put dreams inside of you for no reason. He doesn't waste His time with something that is meant for no reason. For a long time I kind of gave up on my dreams. But hearing this person say this was the kick start I needed to start to start trying to achieve what God has put inside of me.  It helped to reassure me that I'm not going after something foolish. It gave me courage to start pursing again. God put this desire inside of me and He wants me to succeed. 

What ever your dream is, that one thing that seems so far fetched that it seems impossible, don't let fear stop you from chasing it. It's inside of you for a reason. 


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