Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's Back To Guatemala We Go!

Hello, Friends!

My reason for making this post is to inform you all that once again I have the tremendous honor of going to Guatemala with East Carolina Masters Commission! As many of you remember I went in 2012 and so many of you generously donated towards my trip for which I am still grateful! After I got back I never really got around to showing you any pictures and videos from the trip so after many months overdue this is it!

You can see a video from our full trip clicking here

First and for most this little girl is the reason that I went. My team traveled to Guatemala with and organization called Food For The Hungry. Their mission is to "Eradicate chronic malnutrition in Guatemala" as well as in other countries. FH offers you the opportunity to sponsor a young child who is suffering from malnutrition. For $30 a month you provide the child with clean water, food, medical care, and spiritual nourishment.  Lidia is her name and she will be ten years old this March. She is the girl that East Carolina Master's Commission has sponsored for 3 years. It was incredible to actually get to meet her and her family!
Lidia and her family. 

 Eradicate Chronic Malnutrition in Guatemala

On the day we went to visit Lidia we spent the entire day in her village named Chitixl (Chi-teesh) playing with her and her friends and all of the other young children in her town! The children in that village were so welcoming and nice to us! We played soccer with them, played London Bridges, and just spent the day getting to know them! 

 The week the we were in Chitixl, school had been shut down as well as in surrounding villages because there was a soccer tournament happening. This is the team from Chitixl, who WON! 

This is how the women in this region make their clothing. The blouse this women is wearing was made by hand using the loom that she is holding! 

Visiting Lidia was the reason we went but we didn't leave without having a bit of fun! On the last day we were there we hiked up an ACTIVE Volcano! The most recent eruption is was 2010 and this picture shows where the lava erupted and flowed down from. We spent the day walking around on the cooled ash from the volcano. 

Oh ya know, I'm just on the ground, 'bout to pass out...

This trip was nothing short of incredible! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have gone! The biggest difference that was made in my life is that even though I may not see it, there are still people in this world who go without food, clean water, who have no access to medical care, and who don't know Jesus Christ. Truthfully, mission work was never a passion of mine before this trip. Afterwards though I feel like my heart is truly there with these people.

This year the offer to go was extended to me again. I am humbly asking for your support in helping me to make a difference in the lives of children who may not see their next birthday because of hunger.  Literally any amount is welcome whether it be $5 or $100. I just ask you to prayerfully consider. I just want to thank you in advance for the blessing you will be!  If you have my cell phone number you can give me a call or shoot me a text if you would like to give. If not please send me and email at ianpatrickharris@gmail.com

You can give safely and securely online by clicking here!
Thank You!!!

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