Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Public Service Announcement To Everyone Who Uses Vine.

I'm writing this post as a warning...and an apology.

Let me explain what I mean. I am an avid user of Twitter's 6 second video app called Vine. I love it! Its very entertaining, the people are great(mostly), and its addictive!

So why am I apologizing?

Lets start Tuesday morning. There is a certain Viner who's work I very strongly enjoy. She happens to be a female. As a way of expressing my admiration for her vines I decided to make a compilation video of few of her vines to post the next day for #WomenCrushWednesday. I used an app called "Vine Grab" to download her vines to my phone and to make the video. I put all of the videos together and put some music over it. Done! Super Easy. And since I am a punctual person I was going to wait until Wednesday morning(which happens to be today, the day I am writing this) to post it.

Well at about 9:00 on Tuesday night I get a few notifications form vine. It was this Viner replying to a comment that "I had posted". They were angry comments and as I read them I was so confused because I did not recall commenting on anything that day. I look for "my" comment and sure enough there it was. And it was on multiple vines from this person. Down below are a few of comments that were made.

Let me explain what VFamous is. It is a app that you download that gives you free followers on your vine account and makes you "vine famous". Its for people who are too lazy to make good content. Its the easy way out. And the fact that I left one of these comments of this Viners post is pretty much me calling them a fake and saying they don't have any talent.

It should be noted that there were comments like this on only the vines that I downloaded using Grab Vine. After further investigation I discovered the same company that makes Grab Vine also makes VFamous. Hmmmm...


I want to make it very clear to the person whom I have offended(hopefully she will read this) that I am excruciatingly sorry for the spam comments left on your posts. I would never intentionally try to hurt someone in that way. I HAVE THE UTMOST RESPECT FOR YOUR WORK AND YOUR CREATIVITY. I CANNOT EXPRESS TO YOU HOW SORRY I AM FOR THIS MISUNDERSTANDING. I do not blame you for the way you reacted. Had it been me in your shoes I would have done the same thing.

What makes Vine so great is that it promotes creativity in a world where creativity is scarce. I try my best not only to be a consumer but a contributor as well. The way to promote creativity is by encouraging and empowering others to be creative, not tearing them down.

If you are reading this and you are the person that I am writing about thank you for your time and I hope that you can understand what has happened.

Talk soon,


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