Monday, July 21, 2014

Wave Church LA Update #2

Well friends, its under one month until I move to California.

 I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

 But my nerves are equally matched by the excitement I have. Excitement to be reunited with some greatest friends a guy could ask for. You know who you are.

 I'm also excited to see what the Lord has planned for our church and the people of the city of Los Angeles.

I recently went to a camp with the youth from my church. The camp was entirely mission based. Everyday students and leaders were going to sites all across the city of Charleston South Carolina spreading the gospel showing the love of Christ in a very real way. I was assigned to Beach Evangelism. The whole week we were at The Isle of The Palms in Charleston praying for people, holding sand castle building contests, praying over lifeguards just to name a few things. It made the gospel come alive for me. Some people didn't want any part of what we were doing which and other people were just appreciative to have someone ask about their lives. It was a great week and I was quite sad when it was over but the lessons I learned are going to carry over to the next part of my life in LA.

I truly believe that people just want to be loved and feel wanted. What better love the share with them than the love of Jesus Christ?

In a little over 3 short weeks I'll be boarding a plane.

All I can say at this point is Bring It On.

I'm ready.

Before I sign off I just want to extend all of my deepest gratitude to everyone who has give so generously to help me get to LA. Thank you all for your love and support. I can't thank you enough.

If anyone would still like to support me you can visit my fund raising page by clicking here.

Thank You for taking the time to read this.


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